4-H Youth Development
4-H Youth Development
4-H is a youth organization committed to building outstanding leaders with marketable skills to succeed in today’s global society. 4-H empowers youth to reach their full potential, working and learning in partnership with caring adults.
Camp Information Will Be Available Soon!!
Please look out here and on our Facebook page for more information as it becomes available.
4-H Programing
Come join in on the camp magic.
4-H Enrollment and PIE Form
Sign up for your 4-H Club alerts for all up-to-date information on meetings and changes, etc. by emailing Ashley Vice at Ashley.Vice@uky.edu or Shelby Cleaver at Shelby.Cleaver@uky.edu or call the office at 859-289-2312. If you are interested in joining or volunteering in any of our programs don't hesitate to get in touch with the Nicholas Co. Extension Office at 386 East Main St., Carlisle, KY. 40311
Kentucky 4-H Achievement Program
Motivation and the use of incentives are essential to positive youth development. 4-H Youth Development programs provide opportunities for creativity in a learn-by-doing environment and encourage youth to become involved in projects and activities. The 4-H Achievement Program is intended to recognize 4-H participants who have outstanding accomplishments and incentivize youth to increase their knowledge, skills, and abilities. Every effort is made to make this 4-H program inclusive to all eligible youth.
4-H Achievement Design:
- Comprehensive program spanning the entire career of the 4-H’er.
- Awards points for outside efforts and interests.
- Encourages growth and development by awarding high points at multi-county, state, and national levels.
- The program does not require a previous level of achievement to apply for a higher level as long as the 4-H’er meets the minimum point requirements.
- 4-H’ers can choose to compete for awards and prizes (i.e., Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Emerald) – or achieve levels and be recognized in their counties through Clover Levels 1 through 3.
- Youth who have obtained a “Bronze,” “Silver,” or “Gold” – retain their title.
- The new 4-H Achievement Program includes and incorporates the previous “Middle School Leadership Awards.”
- Previous work completed by the 4-H’er (from past years) may be included in the new Achievement Program.
- The achievement program is designed to allow 4-H’ers to begin keeping records of their awards, participation, and projects.
Click the link provided for futher information:
The Country Ham is distinctive to Kentucky and the Southeast. The 4-H Country Ham project begins in January and ends at the Kentucky State Fair. The project began in the late 1990’s with approximately 40 4-Hers and has grown to over 800 from the majority of the counties in the Commonwealth. The hams are judged at the state fair while the 4-Hers give a three to five minute speech on their experiences in the project. The 4-H Country Ham Project not only teaches Kentucky’s youth about where their food comes from, but also teaches them about our food heritage.
Junior (Born 2014-2010): How to cook and store a country ham
Discuss the best ways to store your country ham after the fair and the various ways to cook a country ham.
How to tutorial for selecting the prefect ham.
Senior (Born 2005-2009) How to market and sell country hams.
4-H Livestock Projects
4-H and Youth Livestock Projects
Livestock and Horse Volunteer Certification
Livestock and Horse Club Volunteer Infomation
Kentucky 4-H believes that all youth should have opportunities for positive youth development in our four guiding concepts: mastery, belonging, independence, and generosity. 4-H members work to master leadership and citizenship skills, this event inspires teens to continue their 4-H involvement through belonging to a group of like-minded peers and mentors. During this four-day conference, teens develop valuable life skills, leadership competencies and communication abilities. Delegates have an opportunity to practice independence while staying on the University of Kentucky campus living in dorms, visiting "The 90" and other academic and student life buildings that allow them to see how a real college student lives. Delegates are encouraged to explore their future education and degree plans by exploring all the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food and Environment can offer. A service learning opportunity is provided for youth to practice generosity. Featured events include: Fashion Revue, the Culinary Challenge, State 4-H Officer elections, and selection of our future Teen Board members.
Nicholas County Bluejacket Bullets
Kentucky 4-H Shooting Sports began in 1988 and is a nationally recognized program that focuses on fostering life skills and positive youth development through healthy competition, service, leadership, and education. There are a variety of disciplines offered within the program including archery, muzzleloader, pistol (air & .22 caliber), rifle (air & .22 caliber), shotgun, and hunting and outdoor skills, all of which are taught by a National or State Certified Instructor.
Shooting Sports is open to all youth, 9 to 18 years of age as of their 4-H age (age as of Jan. 1st of that year).
Kentucky 4-H believes that all youth should have opportunities for positive youth development in our four guiding concepts: mastery, belonging, independence, and generosity. This program fosters mastery by learning firearm safety and marksmanship, belonging by taking part in club and community activities, independence by demonstrating responsible firearm use, and generosity by participating in community service and outreach projects.
For more information contact Ashley Vice, Shannon Cohorn, Diana Burden, or Matt Cohorn the Nicholas County Shooting Sports Coordinatiors.
Hey Teachers!
Environmental Education programs bring school children to camp to learn about the natural world out in nature! These fantastic programs are typically led by 4-H County Extension Agents and Teachers.
Environmental Education allows individuals to explore the environment and environmental issues. As a result, many develop a deeper understanding of environmental issues and take action to improve the environment personally or at a community level.
What classes are offered?
Lake Study, KY Mammals, Bird Adaptations, Nature Hike, Owl Pellets, Enviroscape, and more!!!
Livestock Skillaton
Join the Kentucky 4-H Livestock Skillathon for an exciting and educational experience! This contest covers a wide array of topics related to the production and management of beef cattle, meat goats, sheep, and swine. Participants will gain valuable knowledge about different livestock breeds, anatomy, feedstuffs, equipment, meat processing, profitability calculations, and livestock judging. Don't miss out on this opportunity to expand your skills and knowledge in livestock management!
Skillaton ContestLivestock Judging
Livestock judging is a valuable skill that combines science, art, and critical thinking. It's a rewarding activity that can teach valuable life lessons and help individuals develop a deeper appreciation for the livestock industry.
Judging Contest InfoCountry Ham Project
Join the Nicholas Co. Country Ham Project by contacting the office to be added to the list for upcoming news.
Middle School Retreat
North Central 4-H Camp is located in Carlisle and where our youth visit for 4-H camp, Middle School Retreat and Enviormental Camp.
North Central Camp4-H Leadership Program
The 4-H Achievement Program is one-way 4-H members who have outstanding accomplishments are recognized. Those who complete the Achievement Application and are selected are provided with incentives for the youth to enhance their knowledge, skills, and abilities. This is a comprehensive program that spans the entire career of the 4-H'er. 4-H'ers are eligible to start the Achievement Program once in the 6th grade until they age out of the 4-H program.
LeadershipWhat is 4-H?
4-H Youth Development is part of Kentucky Cooperative Extension. Extension’s mission is to make a positive difference in the lives of Kentucky citizens through non-formal education for the entire family. Extension agents and volunteers take the results of university research and explain it in such a way that different age groups can learn and apply the information to their own lives. Kentucky 4-H believes in providing positive youth development experiences that all youth to experience belonging, mastery, independence, and generosity.
4-H is a youth organization committed to building outstanding leaders with marketable skills to succeed in today’s global society. 4-H empowers youth to reach their full potential, working and learning in partnership with caring adults. The four H's represent the idea of Head, Heart, Hands, and Health. These are the values members work on through fun and engaging programs.
Head Managing, Thinking
Heart Relating, Caring
Hands Giving, Working
Health Being, Living
How does 4-H benefit youth?
4-H’ers, regardless of their background, socio-economic status, race or gender, benefit from their participation in Kentucky 4-H. Positive youth development studies have affirmed that compared to other youth, young people involved in 4-H are:
- Four times more likely to contribute to their communities.
- Two times more likely to be civically active.
- Two times more likely to make healthier lifestyle choices.
- Two times more likely to participate in Science, Engineering and Computer Technology programs during out-of-school time.
- 4-H girls are two times more likely (Grade 10) and nearly three times more likely (Grade 12) to take part in science programs compared to girls in other out-of-school time activities.
Additional Information
Shelby Cleaver
Extension Agent, Agriculture and Natural Resources, 4-H Youth Development
(859) 289-2312 shelby.cleaver@uky.edu Nicholas County Extension Office 368 E. Main Street, Carlisle, Kentucky 40311-1158Ashley Vice
Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development, Family and Consumer Science
(859) 289-2312 ashley.vice@uky.edu Nicholas County Extension Office 368 E. Main Street, Carlisle, Kentucky 40311-1158